Motherhood as nature intended

Motherhood is a deeply spiritual experience. You can attempt to explain it, although many mothers would agree, it is something you have to go through to truly understand. It will change you from the inside out. Quite literally, your body is different, and you do not feel like the same person you were before that little baby entered your life.

“Quite literally, your body is different, and you do not feel like the same person you were before that little baby entered your life.”

You may be aware of the Feminine Archetypes of the Maiden, Mother and Crone. And how each one we cross through in the different stages of our lives, is a rite of passage. Great transformation, wisdom and growth is experienced during these monumental shifts.

We are supposed to be guided through these stages by spirit and our elders, with the support of our community at our backs. In modern society, this is not often the case and many mothers are left to fend for themselves. Could it be that the increasing number of mothers physical and mental illness’s could be a resulting factor in this? Or just purely coincidental.

Earlier cultures that have practiced these traditions may not have known the science specifically. But they were connected with the divine wisdom and intelligence of their spirit and our natural biological systems. These are the forces that guided them for hundreds of years. And in some cultures, still continue to do so.

So why is it important for us to bring this back? Because it is who we are. We are apart of the natural world and like nature, our environment and conditions will be the deciding factor on whether or not we thrive. In many ways humanity is not thriving as it should. We have lost connection with our guiding spirit and have adopted systems that are unnatural.

From pre-conception all the way through to postpartum, and beyond, there is a divine intelligence that guides us through this experience. Following in our natural way allows the original healthy thriving blueprint of that soul to be brought into this world, as nature intended it. If you want an explanation for much of humanity’s state of disease, then this is where it starts. Right at the beginning, even before conception.

“Following in our natural way allows the original healthy thriving blueprint of that soul to be brought into this world, as nature intended it.”

Many of our beautiful mothers are being thrown into the fire as they cross that threshold into the archetype of the Mother. We are not experiencing this rite of passage in a way that is sacred and honouring. For the most part, it is bringing up the unhealed trauma and suffering of generations before us.

Not only are mothers fighting their way through this, but they are also left to pick up the pieces later in life as they transition into Menopause and the Crone rite of passage. All of this is then passed on to the next generation and so forth. And so the cycle continues. Until we decide to put an end to the cycle. Which is what many others and I are choosing to do.

Getting back to who we are and our inherent nature, allows us to build a strong foundation not only for our families, but future generations to come.


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